shop our etsy!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

spotlight on......AMORI

1. tell us your name and give us the link to your etsy store.
2. where do you live and what do you particularly like about the area?
I currently live in Florida on the Atlantic coast. I really love the winters! I'm only 15 mins from the beach.
3. what do you sell and why is it fabulous? give us a link to your top pick from your shop right now.
Right now I am only making soap. I have put lotions and other items on hold. My favorite item in my etsy shop right now would be my Amber and Patchouli soap. I love the creamy lather, and the scent is so sexy!

4. who are your favourite etsy sellers? links please!

5. what do you like about etsy?

I like etsy because all of the items are handmade and there are so many talented artisans and crafters to choose from.

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